Where it all started...
So for a moment of vanity - my sister sent me pictures from this last Christmas of me with my family - so here are a few pics. Me and my grandmother. For anyone who reads my recipes frequently this is my greatest cooking inspiration. I cant believe sometimes how much like her that I am. She and I both set down and read cookbooks like they are actual reading books, I can read them from cover to cover. We call her everything in the book so lord only knows what I have referenced her as in my posts... Mamaw Shirley, Mamaw Barbee, Mamaw, Mama Gails Momma - the list goes on and on. Not a great photo but its me and my Mom. Its all I have right now. I have a few recipes from her but she admittedly hardly ever cooks anymore. She is way too busy! I'm not real sure what my baby brother (he just turned 18) and my step-dad eat!?! I have to say though that my Mom makes the Stardust Salad which have posted a recipe for and love! Ok, I have to admit this one is pure vanity. They have not...